Saturday, February 12, 2011

20 Free Short Stories by

20 Free Short Stories
by gives writers the kind of audience that artists can reach by hanging their work in local coffee houses and galleries. We publish a story a month, printed on newspaper-sized sheets (hence the name). They are distributed free at venues in the south of England.
At the beginning of every month each venue receives 100 copies of a new Broadsheet. They are left out with the newspapers – customers can take them away if they wish but most read them over coffee and leave them on the table when they go. When they get grubby they are thrown away.
Each outlet starts at the beginning of the Broadsheet sequence. A new story will appear at The Forum first, then at Oliver’s about three months later, and so on. By the time it reaches the last outlet it will have been read by up to 1,000 people.


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